Tedd Engineering is proud to offer an added-value product at the cutting-edge of remote machine monitoring – Telematics. This web-based service allows the remote monitoring of machines from anywhere in the world, at any time, through a normal web-browser.
How It All Started
In technological innovation, sometimes the greatest breakthroughs happen in unexpected places. Such was the case when a team of engineers from Tedd Engineering travelled to Israel to perform the very first installation of Telematics remote monitoring system on a McCloskey mobile crusher. Little did they know their trip would not only involve the pilot installation of their new innovative technology but also, a successful milestone in field testing its effectiveness.
The first of two installations in the country, Tedd Engineering crew installed a retrofitted modem and looms to an active machine already operating in the field. After finalizing installation and commissioning, the team travelled to the other end of the country for another their second installation. Upon completion of their second installation, they received an urgent call from the owner of the machine they had just retrofitted the previous day in a panic and claiming that the system was malfunctioning, and the machine was rendered inoperable.

Reacting to the crisis of potentially significant production loss, the crew was getting ready to drive all the way back to the previous site when they decided to take a step back and simply investigate the problem remotely. Indeed, one of the engineers logged into his Telematics account to troubleshoot based on the operational data collected from commissioning to failure. The problem was a faulty clogged air filter that required replacement. With one phone call and in a matter of moments, the machine was up and running and producing at its full capacity once again. The crisis was averted, and the crew avoided a second trip to solve an issue that was effectively dealt with remotely.
Benefits of Remote Monitoring
This very first installation of Tedd’s Telematics demonstrated the effectiveness of its remote monitoring capabilities. On a global scale with over 800 machines equipped with Telematics, these machine stoppages occur regularly. By logging into their Telematics accounts, users could view their equipment running information, consumables, and machine location from anywhere in the world, at any time, through a normal web-browser. As a result, production loss from lengthy downtime and costly field trips are avoided as Telematics provides proper diagnostics and corrective actions to remedy operational issues. Also, continuous operational and performance data collection facilitates analysis for preventive maintenance and fleet management.
Bottom Line
Telematics is a system applicable to mobile equipment and portable plants and is included on every new MPP Global equipment brand such as McCloskey, Lippmann, Tesab, McCloskey Environmental and McCloskey Washing Systems. Additionally, it could easily be retrofitted to existing MPP and third-party machines. Cost structure is very simple and grouped into two categories, such as the retrofitted modems and the credits-based data plan. The system will significantly decrease the total cost of ownership and in turn, provide economies of scale when comparing to the cost associated with operating Telematics. We could install them on all your machines today!